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Advanced Dry Needling & Structural Acupuncture

This specialized two-day lab course incorporates Dry Needling and a Structure Based Acupuncture approach. Participants will be guided through a clinical reasoning model focusing on medical diagnostics, physical examination, current pain science, and manual therapy.  


Topics discussed will be integration of Dry Needling to facilitate “core” muscle control, focused pain management strategies and expanded electro-dry needling concepts. Participants will be instructed on needling technique for deep anterior/lateral neck musculature, chest wall musculature, abdominals, paraspinal muscles, and deep rotators of the hips.


Instructors will utilize diagnostic ultrasound to visualize targeted muscles to facilitate teaching methods.


This unique course is instructed by a Manipulative Physiotherapist and a Physician with a Structure Based Acupuncture background.


This course is open to physiotherapists and Chiropractors. Participants must have  past experience in Dry Needling, acupuncture or have completed the Biomedical Dry Needling Certification. The course is 24 CEU's (16 direct contact and 8 online pre-course study hours).

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